Is school too stressful?

Stress is the physical and mental response of the body to the demands made upon it. Stress is the result of our reaction to outside events.
Stress can be healthy. Good stress encourages competition. This makes students work harder and leads to better results in every sphere be it school, sports and other things.
A little stress is a good thing, it can motivate students to be organized, but too much stress can backfire. 
Stress results from an accumulation of many different pressures which students build up without noticing. Some of the things students commonly cite as causes of stress include:
  • Examinations
  • Deadlines
  • Difficulty in organizing work
  • Poor time management
  • Parents' expectations

Students need to know how to manage their stress level. They must practice following activities:
  • Time Management
  • List atleast three things for which they feel 'Thankful'
  • Talk to others about the things causing them stress
  • Enjoy the process of studying rather seeking for results
  • Play atleast an hour to drain all the negativity
  • Meditate 
  • Help others 
Students must always remember that if the body is free of tension, the mind tends to be relaxed. It helps to concentrate and study, take decisions and solve problems. When we are relaxed, we can view each task as a positive challenge, and use stress as a stimulus to help us carry it out, giving a glow of achievement afterwards.

#stress, #pain, #stressful, #bestschool, #topschool, #dps, #dpssahibabad, #cbseschool, #timemanagement


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