
Showing posts from July, 2020


Corona virus is the first health pandemic that affected the nation. It adversely affected the lives of people. The most affected area is our education system. It has taken a long leap due to the condition. Schools and colleges are closed, students and teachers are sitting inside their homes because life is more important than anything else. ‘Covid-19 or corona virus is a word that's synonymous to a nightmare.’ It scares people even in daylight. But it didn't stop the teaching-learning process. Educational responses to the crises are capable of changing the meaning, purposes, and values of schools. The pandemic gave a wonderful opportunity to schools for transforming the age-old tradition of the teaching-learning process. The traditional way of chalk- talk has been transferred to technology. Disruption in education is pushing policymakers to find new ways for engaging children in a technology-friendly way. Online education ensures that students don't have to suffer and ...