Corona virus is the first health pandemic that
affected the nation. It adversely affected the lives of people. The most
affected area is our education system. It has taken a long leap due to the
condition. Schools and colleges are closed, students and teachers are sitting
inside their homes because life is more important than anything else. ‘Covid-19
or corona virus is a word that's synonymous to a nightmare.’ It scares people
even in daylight. But it didn't stop the teaching-learning process. Educational
responses to the crises are capable of changing the meaning, purposes, and
values of schools. The pandemic gave a wonderful opportunity to schools for
transforming the age-old tradition of the teaching-learning process. The
traditional way of chalk- talk has been transferred to technology. Disruption
in education is pushing policymakers to find new ways for engaging children in
a technology-friendly way.
Online education ensures that students don't
have to suffer and studies should move on. It is probably the first time for
India to experiment with virtual learning on such a big level. A shift from
classroom teaching to virtual teaching brings together many difficulties with
it. But online lectures enable the students to learn creatively. As it’s
rightly said, ‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness
that created it.’ So we need to find the solution to the biggest crisis instead
of getting scared of it. As, one of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one
of his greatest surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t
Universities are also engaging students by
giving them a choice to learn and not just by their physical experience.
Schools are looking for ways to engage children through projects and activities
instead of rote learning. As longer screen time affects the health issues in
children, so schools are taking the initiative by decreasing screen time. The
education field is facing the biggest crisis of all time, as it's difficult to
engage children during online classes, but teachers are working harder than
ever to deliver their knowledge to children. E-learning has both negative and
positive effects, but as we all know time never waits for anyone. As only those
who can turn a crisis into an opportunity can become successful in life. For
the education field, COVID-19 is an opportunity to get rid of the traditional
ways of learning.
These uncertain times call for a stronger
measure and the education industry is taking a step every to sort this problem.
This pandemic is like a catalyst who is giving a platform to both teacher and
learner to opt for new techniques which they haven’t used before. By looking at
the other side of the coin we all can grow and work together. Learning life’s
lessons is not about making your life perfect, but about seeing life as it was
meant to be.
“Never stop learning,
because life never stops teaching.”#dps, #dpssahibabad, #school, #covid19, #coronavirus, #stayhome, #staysafe, #education, #elearning
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